Saturday, 8 October 2011


So my week started out well - dressing up, dancing and drinking. It was all very fun and messy and awesome. Then on Monday i felt a bit worse than just hungover but in true "Morgaine" fashion decided to party through it... didn't work out too well. Turns out i have tonsillitis, again! For the first couple days i was back on the penicillin and ice cream diet before deciding a rehab weekend at my Grandparent's house was the best idea...

...and so here i am. At Grandma & Granddad's getting looked after. I also seem to be getting shit done too, how very productive of me. Monologues and Knitting (grandma just taught me, i'm loving it!) totally Rock and Roll!


  1. Hope you feel better soon :)
    I too go on an ice cream diet when i am not well !

  2. Eurgh tonsillitis =( I had it constantly for over a year (no antibiotics would work on it after a while) and eventually had them taken out, but I know how awful you must be feeling right now. Hope you're feeling better soon =)
