Sunday, 13 February 2011

++ LDN (part four)

Fourth and final part of my adventure, say hello to my journey home!


  1. Haha! I still don't have a blog but this would totally be my way of summing up the preview collections we saw that night.

    You won't remember me, but I wore a camo maxi in the daytime and a black dress with a butterfly print for the evening soirée.

    I don't recall seeing that first top, so i'll have to have a look at the carmakoma website. I think everyone has been a bit nervous about ordering from them for some reason, but it was definitely worth them coming over to showcase their stuff because they won a lot of fans that night.

  2. Cor i'm an idiot. Should have posted the above in response to your third instalment.

  3. i'm sure i remember you!!
    did you buy a lipstick and a m&s bag in the day time?

    please let me be right : D

  4. what an adventure! i especially like the pic about carmakoma. i so want everything from their site!
