Thursday 15 July 2010

My okay day...

...just got full blown amazing!


I'm amazed at this especially since i've been blogging about fashion for all of, hmm, i dunno, a week!

I'm not entirely sure how to or even if i'm supposed to carry the whole thing on but i will just quickly say:
Thank you LOTS AND LOTS to Jennifer, her blog is awesome and super inspring and lovely.
And thank you to Christina of Musings of a Fatshionista for hers being one of the first blogs that i really connected with and was inspired by.
and also THANK YOU LAUREN! She's a friend who got me into blogging and it's done me so much good so yeah, she needs major points added to her scoreboard.

I'm so grateful and thankful and happy right now i might burst.
Honestly, smiling so much my face hurts!


  1. Just came across your blog. I am liking what I see, can't wait to see more from you :)

  2. you're welcome and you deserve it, your blog is great! <3
