Sunday, 24 October 2010

Blog Me

I remember when i first started blogging. It was a random diary style thing and i did it because a friend of mine said "You actually have an opinion on shit, you sound smart." but i also did it because i needed a new outlet, a way to give my brain a work out that wouldn't get boring or crazily difficult.

I switched to focusing my blog efforts not long after introducing myself to this little online world and decided i wanted to contribute to the fatshion blogging community.

Doing this has genuinely become a gift. I know i have learnt a lot already, but at the same time i know i still have more to gain. My brain is on fire with questions that i ask myself because of things i see and read online. And i love being made to think, more so than that i love that i'm being made to think by someone just like me: some "different" kid who was  made to feel they weren't worth shit their whole life because regardless of your brains and personality if you aint white and skinny you're wasting oxygen.
Maybe i'm getting a little hasty, a little extreme, but it's so, so liberating to read posts from people that reduce me to tears or make me laugh or silence me and know that maybe my post could do the same to them. It's truly inspirational.

Brains aside, the other thing I have gained is that for the first time since i was very young i feel beautiful and not just because people comment OOTD posts but because my whole outlook on beauty has changed. It's beyond crazy to me that in less than a year of blogging something so deep rooted, my perception of beauty, has changed completely.

I'm not 100% sure what compelled me to write this post. THIS was a contributing factor for sure (please click the link) but in all honesty i think this has been building up in my brain for a while.

I want to progress, i have come far, but baby, i have way further to go. I'm on a mission with this here blog. The last thing i want is for this to just be pictures of me in my clothes but at the same time any change has to be organic, i'm not going to force myself to do something, it wouldn't be genuine and i don't think it would be worth reading. The reason i'm saying this is to set you all up, i decided that i wouldn't know how to react if one day a lovely clothes etc. blog i followed suddenly started doing really personal posts so this is a heads up. I'm going to be more open and hopefully your reading experience will improve!
I just realised i'm making it sound like all my posts will now follow the theme of "Serious Subject Such as Mortality in the 21st Century and oh look, here's my new shoes! Lovely!" I'm pretty sure that this will not be the case : )

I've tried hard to be concise and clear but my brain has a habit of being like a sparkler sometimes so please stick with me.

I'd like to finish by saluting every one of you for reading, for blogging if you do so and if you don't i think it has a lot to offer so consider it!
I am once again stunned, i think i'm on 54 followers, it's nuts. I love you all ♥


  1. So agree with this statement :)

    "Brains aside, the other thing I have gained is that for the first time since i was very young i feel beautiful and not just because people comment OOTD posts but because my whole outlook on beauty has changed..."

  2. I hope you realize that you (and other bloggers)have inspired other women to look at themselves and to see beauty for the first time. As your perception of beauty has changed your posts and pictures have guided many women to examine how they see beauty as well.

  3. I tend to dress down for work (because I am allowed to) but after reading so many blogs of women who dress up everyday, I take a more conscious step into justifying the crazy amount of clothes I have and am surprised by the lift in spirit i get everyday from dressing better for work.

    So for that, I am grateful!
